
Ambler Pediatrics follows the immunization guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). For information about these vaccines and the diseases they protect against, please visit

For detailed informational sheets published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) please visit

Our Vaccine Philosophy

Ambler Pediatrics strongly believes in the safety and efficacy of vaccines. We recommend following the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for vaccination schedules, the latest of which are on this website.

Many practices require their patients comply with these guidelines or seek medical care elsewhere. While we feel it is our ethical responsibility to provide care to all children regardless of their vaccination status, we have come to also believe that unvaccinated children are a threat not only to themselves, but also to others they come in contact with. We will continue to educate parents and promote the evidence-based science that vaccines are safe and effective. Parents adamantly adverse to vaccines should find a another practice more in line with their philosophy.

For those parents concerned about infectious disease in our office, know that we actively take measures to prevent the spread of infection through hygiene, separate waiting areas and regulating patient flow. If you have additional concerns, please let us know.

We are happy to discuss your concerns about vaccines at your child's next visit.


Vaccine Safety: The Facts Safety facts on vaccines from the AAP